
The 5 Best Alaska Salmon Recipes (Part 2)

Last month we led off our two-part “Best Alaska Salmon Recipes” blog with delicious blackened salmon tacos and a healthy BBQ salmon salad, both of which were created by our talented Executive Chef Christopher Lee. Because the team here at Nushagak River Adventures uses some of the best packaging equipment in the world, you’ll be returning home with several boxes of perfectly-filleted frozen salmon.

2020-04-07T09:58:51-08:00December 13th, 2018|Uncategorized|

The 5 Best Salmon Recipes (Part 1)

Most of our anglers leave the Nushagak River with enough packaged salmon to feed their family and friends lots of great table fare for the year. What are you going to do with all that frozen salmon? It’s common knowledge that salmon can last anywhere from 4-8 months in a freezer, depending on temperatures and quality packaging—something we excel at Nushagak River Adventures.

2020-04-07T09:59:59-08:00November 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|
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