sockeye fishingWhen it comes to sockeye fishing, there are a few reasons that stand out why we love it so much.

1. Abundance! This is the most harvestable fish of abundance in Alaska. Not only is sockeye fishing the past time of many Alaska families, hoards of visitors hit the state for red salmon fishing, especially on the road system of the busy Kenai Peninsula. It turns out you can enjoy sockeye fishing away from the crowds with us here in Bristol Bay. We have had a record breaking run two years in a row and you get the luxury of a true remote wilderness experience.

2. Active Fishing! When it comes to king and silvers on the Nushagak we tend to spend more time in the boats. When it comes to sockeye fishing, our guests line up on the wilderness beaches here and cast after sockeye. It’s a unique technique your guide will teach you.

3. Sockeye are delicious! These delicious salmon are often used for smoked salmon, but they are also wonderful in a variety of salmon recipes that’ll be a healthy and delicious protein for your family and dinner guests. Enjoy some of Chef Chris’s recipes for salmon here.

4. Unique Technique! If you have not sockeye fished previously, you’ll soon discover that the sockeye floss or sweep is a unique technique reserved typically for this fishery. Although research is starting to show these fish enthusiastically taking bait, the traditional method for sockeye fishing is to floss them and our guides will teach you how.

5. Bonus Fishing! Traditionally the Nushagak River has been world famous for king salmon fishing but in recent years the sockeye run has been so tremendous that it’s earning a reputation worldwide in Bristol Bay, especially in the Nushagak-Mulchatna drainage which is our home water.

Fill out the trip request form and we will reach out to chat about timing and availability if sockeye fishing is on your Alaska to do list.